We are Seeking an Advisory Board Member!
NEFLHPL is searching for a passionate and dedicated advisory board member to help guide our mission and shape our future! Inquire by emailing Anna at anna@neflhpl.org.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to empower women through education, mentorship, and community building to embrace self-sufficient living and make preparedness a fundamental aspect of their lives.
Our Vision:
Our vision at NE FL Homesteading and Prepping Ladies is to create a future where every woman in Northeast Florida is not only prepared for life's challenges but thrives in self-sufficiency. We envision a community where every woman possesses the knowledge, skills, and resources to confidently provide for herself and her loved ones while fostering a deeper connection to nature and sustainable living.
Our Values:
Empowerment: Neflhpl Inc. empowers women by providing them with the knowledge and resources to become self-sufficient and resilient in their homesteading and prepping endeavors.
Community-oriented: Neflhpl Inc. fosters a strong sense of community among women interested in homesteading and prepping, offering a platform for networking, collaboration, and mutual support.
Educational: Neflhpl Inc. focuses on education, equipping women with the necessary skills and information through workshops, training sessions, and educational materials related to homesteading and prepping.
Sustainable: Neflhpl Inc. emphasizes sustainable practices, encouraging women to adopt environmentally friendly methods in their homesteading and prepping activities, promoting self-sufficiency while minimizing the impact on the environment.
Preparedness-focused: Neflhpl Inc. places a significant emphasis on preparedness, helping women develop the necessary skills and plans to handle various emergencies and crises, ensuring they are well-equipped to protect themselves and their families.
Upcoming Workshops
Well, the word is out! Our Founder and President, Anna, will be hosting a Pressure-Canning Intensive Workshop on Day #2 at next year's American Farmstead Convention! The cost per ticket is ONLY $40! This is a great deal as you will receive hands-on instructions and take-home material. Anna began providing home canning coaching and sharing her journey to #selfsufficiency online during the pandemic almost five years ago! Now she is ready to give the public hands-on teaching opportunities!
The workshop will be on Sunday, June 1, 2025. Tickets are limited so buy yours now: 2025 American Farmstead Convention.
The Neflhpl Inc. group was engaged and engaging. The ladies that were there during the meeting I presented at were welcoming, supportive, and appreciative. Everyone had great questions and readily shared their knowledge and experiences on the subject matter. The Neflhpl Inc. is building a true community!
I so enjoyed speaking with the group on the topic of Meal Planning With Purpose. There was such great discussion participation and it was wonderful to see us all learning together. As a speaker, you can never know everything on a subject and that's why it is always important that we all share in the discussion time with questions and creative ideas. It is all of our responsibility to share.
Speaking to the women of North Florida Homesteading and Prepping Ladies was an engaging experience. Participants of the meeting were from diverse backgrounds but unified with a common connection to homesteading and prepping as women. I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with everyone after the talks and the ladies had excellent questions! Additionally, the other two speakers on beekeeping and "A Girl with a Gun" were high quality and very interesting!
I’ve never really sat down and written my Beekeeping story and how it came to bee 🐝 so here it is. My story is still evolving of course but seeing how God has brought so many amazing people and opportunities into my life is pretty awesome. I shared my beginning with a really great group of NE FL Homesteading Ladies in Gainesville yesterday and here is what I shared 🌻🐝 Anna Barbary thanks for having me 💛 you’re doing big things!
It was such an honor to serve as a guest speaker on the topic, "Getting Started in the Outdoors". Sharing a topic so near to my heart, with a group of eager-to-learn women, was such a wonderful experience. Rianna did a wonderful job organizing a place for women to tap into a supportive community that has the potential to propel each of them farther in their homesteading journeys. I definitely believe these meetings are necessary and will allow women the framework to become more self-sufficient.
-Tiffany Sanders, Education and Outreach Coordinator, NTO Inc. Neflhpl Inc. Guest Speaker 2022!
I was one of the spring guest speakers to show ladies that you can garden in a subdivision or apartment setting. You normally think you have to have acreage to have a garden to feed your family, but if you have a pot you can grow vegetables in it. We covered the importance of pollinators to your garden space and they are essential to your success. I would like to thank Neflhpl Inc. for the invite. I love this group because it's women helping women a true sisterhood.
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